User Profile - needleNIX

ID 83451048
Level User (100)
Points 2365562 (Rank 26)
Messages sent 17776 (Rank 118)
Last seen 2025-02-23 16:37:49.717556+00:00
Last active in chat 2025-02-07 02:37:13.926406+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 4 months and 17 days
Time spent in offline chat 1 year and 1 month NotLikeThis
Permabanned on beptobot No

Duel stats

Duels Total 1
Duels Won 1
Duels Lost 0
Winrate 100.0%
Profit from duels 200 points
Last duel 2022-05-12 04:54:51.873179+00:00

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 11189439
Roulettes amount 61
Profit 10446799
Winrate 52.46%
Biggest winstreak 5
Biggest losestreak 5
Biggest win 10012720
Biggest loss -157166

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-01-11 02:23:43.737410+00:00 750593
2022-10-31 02:23:30.319851+00:00 -157166
2022-10-18 03:31:29.930995+00:00 -17173
2022-10-05 00:28:25.952116+00:00 7925
2022-09-24 16:49:41.702285+00:00 500
2022-09-24 16:47:52.533271+00:00 -6353
2022-09-24 16:46:38.212283+00:00 -6353
2022-09-23 22:59:44.876114+00:00 69
2022-09-23 22:40:50.621902+00:00 -1
2022-09-23 21:38:00.747000+00:00 500
2022-07-29 18:51:20.123205+00:00 -5000
2022-07-04 16:43:57.153937+00:00 -5000
2022-06-24 21:30:43.383503+00:00 4000
2022-06-24 21:28:45.134557+00:00 -5423
2022-06-15 22:06:54.739199+00:00 2314
2022-05-18 03:18:02.901462+00:00 -132
2022-05-16 05:58:42.851912+00:00 -100
2022-05-16 04:08:19.922719+00:00 -321
2022-05-14 00:51:13.745342+00:00 341
2022-05-12 04:50:48.216966+00:00 1523
2022-05-12 04:38:41.302649+00:00 777
2022-05-11 18:47:45.340394+00:00 132
2022-05-10 20:31:52.970588+00:00 -5
2022-05-10 04:55:54.608143+00:00 2753
2022-05-10 04:26:37.825114+00:00 123
2022-05-10 04:26:07.736882+00:00 -231
2022-05-07 04:20:40.499766+00:00 132
2022-05-07 01:19:55.457724+00:00 132
2022-05-07 01:11:05.373771+00:00 132
2022-05-07 01:09:25.520600+00:00 132
2022-05-07 01:08:54.190176+00:00 132
2022-05-07 01:06:44.625137+00:00 -274
2022-05-07 01:06:13.507557+00:00 231
2022-05-07 01:05:25.899094+00:00 342
2022-05-07 01:04:49.531807+00:00 32
2022-05-07 01:03:54.605142+00:00 46
2022-05-07 01:02:48.889239+00:00 -7
2022-05-07 00:59:55.040407+00:00 -500
2022-05-07 00:58:24.964800+00:00 -132
2022-05-07 00:56:27.579971+00:00 -167
2022-05-07 00:54:31.788810+00:00 -77
2022-05-07 00:53:46.269693+00:00 55
2022-05-07 00:52:21.259048+00:00 123
2022-05-07 00:51:44.734173+00:00 -185
2022-05-07 00:47:50.364740+00:00 -243
2022-05-04 04:25:03.162426+00:00 -106003
2022-05-04 04:23:30.090755+00:00 -5000
2022-05-04 04:22:58.423763+00:00 -15463
2022-02-15 22:52:11.908398+00:00 3246
2022-02-08 17:59:17.110096+00:00 16460
2022-02-08 17:58:32.576333+00:00 -25463
2022-01-26 05:02:44.105070+00:00 2000
2022-01-26 05:01:55.229323+00:00 2356
2021-12-14 23:11:13.501207+00:00 10012720
2021-12-14 21:20:48.038833+00:00 -12346
2021-10-04 21:42:38.256361+00:00 5463
2021-09-04 18:39:14.468866+00:00 2312
2021-09-03 02:42:30.571433+00:00 -1000
2021-08-10 21:49:07.350686+00:00 -536
2021-08-10 21:33:08.160296+00:00 523
2021-08-10 04:39:09.506656+00:00 -666

Slot machine stats

Total points gambled for 281390
Number of slot machine pulls 40
Profit 6938
Winrate 35.00%
Biggest winstreak 3
Biggest losestreak 9
Biggest win 33074
Biggest loss -34817

Slots history

Time Diff
2022-05-16 05:58:24.855095+00:00 -342
2022-05-12 04:36:54.332909+00:00 -132
2022-05-11 18:47:07.903224+00:00 705
2022-05-10 04:54:06.196852+00:00 -47
2022-05-10 04:53:27.345960+00:00 -46
2022-05-07 01:01:50.625318+00:00 -2524
2022-05-07 00:55:44.798251+00:00 -123
2022-05-07 00:55:10.909286+00:00 -33
2022-05-07 00:53:12.234698+00:00 -124
2022-05-07 00:49:18.066218+00:00 -100
2022-05-07 00:48:10.217155+00:00 -344
2022-05-04 18:55:15.707553+00:00 -2304
2022-05-04 04:29:14.715972+00:00 304
2022-01-26 05:02:25.210362+00:00 -6453
2022-01-20 02:59:41.540940+00:00 1570
2021-12-28 06:30:10.828335+00:00 -25000
2021-12-14 21:20:22.712687+00:00 -15000
2021-12-14 21:17:42.148947+00:00 -25634
2021-10-28 22:15:12.886810+00:00 27545
2021-10-21 00:46:44.797541+00:00 -13546
2021-10-21 00:13:25.991281+00:00 33074
2021-10-04 21:43:43.159665+00:00 20654
2021-10-04 21:41:23.755168+00:00 -34817
2021-10-04 21:39:18.981039+00:00 31829
2021-09-09 19:57:27.039184+00:00 7973
2021-09-09 19:53:56.682939+00:00 11268
2021-09-09 19:52:11.603197+00:00 -2953
2021-09-05 19:25:04.066231+00:00 2945
2021-09-04 18:38:08.482855+00:00 1954
2021-09-03 02:00:09.776083+00:00 -1547
2021-09-03 00:46:53.172285+00:00 1719
2021-09-02 03:21:56.228403+00:00 1528
2021-08-29 23:25:55.560493+00:00 1096
2021-08-29 23:23:42.229700+00:00 -650
2021-08-28 20:47:27.492016+00:00 -100
2021-08-28 20:18:25.577087+00:00 -500
2021-08-21 00:10:49.233547+00:00 -3400
2021-08-10 18:46:36.399540+00:00 -675
2021-08-10 17:41:54.913734+00:00 -55
2021-07-27 20:24:40.253589+00:00 -777