User Profile - geshlem

ID 441175555
Level User (100)
Points 1590114 (Rank 36)
Messages sent 41134 (Rank 39)
Last seen 2025-01-18 08:01:10.304982+00:00
Last active in chat 2025-01-18 03:53:30.294295+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 1 month and 10 days
Time spent in offline chat 4 months and 22 days NotLikeThis
Permabanned on beptobot No

Duel stats

Duels Total 13
Duels Won 3
Duels Lost 10
Winrate 23.08%
Profit from duels -1912900 points
Last duel 2024-10-20 00:42:36.235021+00:00

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 3927468
Roulettes amount 77
Profit 272916
Winrate 58.44%
Biggest winstreak 5
Biggest losestreak 6
Biggest win 1000105
Biggest loss -241469

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-10-27 01:25:46.387084+00:00 -158090
2024-10-20 00:37:48.081270+00:00 142816
2024-10-20 00:35:37.896136+00:00 -158684
2024-10-20 00:34:59.949290+00:00 -176315
2024-10-20 00:33:59.689678+00:00 -195906
2024-10-18 01:13:33.030707+00:00 -217637
2024-10-14 22:11:13.618545+00:00 -500
2024-10-06 19:11:16.668918+00:00 196640
2024-09-28 05:07:32.157634+00:00 10000
2024-09-27 17:52:50.071743+00:00 10000
2024-09-02 20:10:03.262790+00:00 40396
2024-09-02 20:09:19.534015+00:00 -241469
2024-09-02 19:51:21.453803+00:00 219238
2024-08-22 01:42:21.747445+00:00 15000
2024-08-22 01:08:34.828076+00:00 109
2024-08-20 23:22:04.367359+00:00 69346
2024-08-19 04:42:00.161169+00:00 -80
2024-08-14 05:04:20.624553+00:00 -232014
2024-07-14 08:42:10.967293+00:00 50000
2024-07-13 18:39:20.576178+00:00 1000105
2024-07-13 18:38:59.027935+00:00 100
2024-07-13 18:38:34.919950+00:00 5
2024-07-13 18:36:12.656135+00:00 -2346
2024-07-12 23:15:54.607177+00:00 -80
2024-07-12 23:15:26.521272+00:00 40
2024-07-12 23:14:46.446890+00:00 20
2024-07-12 21:34:04.185744+00:00 -2598
2024-07-11 00:00:29.456168+00:00 -2914
2024-07-10 17:20:39.361147+00:00 -9072
2024-07-06 05:54:47.344141+00:00 5000
2024-07-04 01:35:25.861617+00:00 2500
2024-07-03 06:58:34.970569+00:00 -15000
2024-07-03 06:58:08.668254+00:00 15000
2024-07-03 06:56:58.480842+00:00 10000
2024-07-03 06:56:37.424613+00:00 5000
2024-07-03 02:57:56.334261+00:00 50000
2024-07-03 02:57:29.655868+00:00 -50000
2024-07-02 00:15:35.549444+00:00 13092
2024-07-01 06:28:21.080571+00:00 -5000
2024-07-01 06:27:55.876804+00:00 5000
2024-07-01 03:23:17.193760+00:00 5000
2024-07-01 02:27:55.710202+00:00 10000
2024-06-28 05:13:55.387083+00:00 5002
2024-06-27 04:01:27.937667+00:00 -10001
2024-06-27 04:00:59.150753+00:00 -10000
2024-06-26 21:16:46.851560+00:00 5001
2024-06-26 21:15:30.997569+00:00 10000
2024-06-26 21:14:31.142786+00:00 5000
2024-06-26 21:13:38.437322+00:00 -10000
2024-06-26 21:13:14.861048+00:00 -5000
2024-06-25 03:02:23.487620+00:00 64942
2024-06-25 02:58:59.423005+00:00 32471
2024-06-25 02:58:36.139670+00:00 -32471
2024-06-25 02:58:13.659824+00:00 -64942
2024-06-25 02:57:51.079950+00:00 -129884
2024-06-24 20:14:26.449098+00:00 -28853
2024-06-24 04:30:04.461176+00:00 -2112
2024-06-24 04:29:39.455602+00:00 -2111
2024-06-24 03:03:39.423823+00:00 38167
2024-06-23 16:37:53.396145+00:00 -13385
2024-06-22 20:51:56.420080+00:00 10420
2024-06-22 20:23:29.065859+00:00 5000
2024-06-22 02:02:52.131759+00:00 500
2024-06-21 20:11:52.442260+00:00 10000
2024-06-11 02:37:55.414605+00:00 -38812
2024-06-10 05:16:53.816811+00:00 21277
2024-06-10 05:15:30.441687+00:00 -2000
2024-05-16 03:25:03.109598+00:00 -5000
2024-05-16 02:33:29.491660+00:00 5000
2024-05-16 02:31:56.220402+00:00 5000
2024-05-16 01:29:20.639735+00:00 5000
2024-05-16 01:16:35.893687+00:00 1000
2024-05-16 01:16:14.879310+00:00 500
2024-05-16 00:09:37.047763+00:00 -5000
2024-03-28 04:35:34.047493+00:00 1000
2024-02-03 04:50:50.352651+00:00 500
2023-12-12 03:18:14.089944+00:00 5

Slot machine stats

Total points gambled for 32253
Number of slot machine pulls 8
Profit -19753
Winrate 12.50%
Biggest winstreak 1
Biggest losestreak 6
Biggest win 6250
Biggest loss -5001

Slots history

Time Diff
2024-06-27 04:01:22.132089+00:00 -5001
2024-06-26 21:14:55.941174+00:00 -500
2024-06-26 21:13:57.602568+00:00 -5000
2024-06-26 21:13:08.928572+00:00 -500
2024-05-16 02:31:45.031844+00:00 -5001
2024-05-16 02:31:10.626625+00:00 -5001
2024-05-16 02:29:55.824388+00:00 6250
2024-05-16 02:29:22.237368+00:00 -5000