User Profile - darcronth
Username | darcronth |
ID | 10086935 |
Level | User (100) |
Points | 82416455 (Rank 3) |
Messages sent | 42626 (Rank 33) |
Last seen | 2024-11-23 04:43:04.745385+00:00 |
Last active in chat | 2024-11-23 00:52:59.961990+00:00 |
Time spent watching the stream | 8 months and 10 days |
Time spent in offline chat | 2 years and 12 days |
Permabanned on beptobot | No |
Duel stats
Duels Total | 3 |
Duels Won | 0 |
Duels Lost | 3 |
Winrate | 0.0% |
Profit from duels | -23000457 points |
Last duel | 2024-10-26 21:02:26.391553+00:00 |
Current Lose Streak | 3 |
Roulette stats
Total points rouletted for | 163361722 |
Roulettes amount | 126 |
Profit | 64870310 |
Winrate | 50.00% |
Biggest winstreak | 6 |
Biggest losestreak | 6 |
Biggest win | 20824044 |
Biggest loss | -10100000 |
Roulette history
Time | Diff |
2024-10-26 21:09:10.805125+00:00 | 66108 |
2024-10-26 21:07:09.801169+00:00 | -66108 |
2024-10-26 21:06:06.514485+00:00 | -9000 |
2024-07-25 18:54:40.212722+00:00 | 4000000 |
2024-07-25 18:54:11.488115+00:00 | -1000000 |
2024-07-25 18:53:49.739210+00:00 | -1000000 |
2024-05-04 14:34:20.275843+00:00 | 20000000 |
2024-05-04 14:33:31.938123+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-04 14:32:36.217094+00:00 | -10000000 |
2024-05-04 14:22:18.747115+00:00 | -1000000 |
2024-05-04 13:57:59.158020+00:00 | 10000000 |
2024-05-04 13:56:23.859898+00:00 | 1000000 |
2024-05-04 13:53:56.184462+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-04 13:52:42.512772+00:00 | 1000000 |
2024-05-04 13:49:48.961336+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-04 13:42:03.581178+00:00 | 1000000 |
2024-05-04 13:40:05.781062+00:00 | -1000000 |
2024-05-04 13:39:32.375491+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-04 13:38:28.378060+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-04 13:36:55.341162+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-04 13:35:08.551812+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-04 13:29:07.247540+00:00 | -1000 |
2024-05-03 23:09:35.377969+00:00 | 10000000 |
2024-05-03 23:08:37.757071+00:00 | -1000 |
2024-05-03 23:06:25.350875+00:00 | -1000 |
2024-05-03 23:05:26.736556+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-03 23:04:12.113717+00:00 | -1000 |
2024-05-03 22:20:44.006687+00:00 | 10000000 |
2024-05-03 22:20:07.749328+00:00 | -10000000 |
2024-05-03 20:24:44.280593+00:00 | 1000 |
2024-05-03 20:19:53.987056+00:00 | 10000000 |
2024-05-03 20:19:21.176164+00:00 | -1000 |
2024-05-03 18:30:31.531321+00:00 | 1000000 |
2024-05-03 18:27:26.914499+00:00 | 1000000 |
2024-05-03 18:26:42.370111+00:00 | -1000000 |
2024-05-03 17:55:04.537345+00:00 | -10100000 |
2024-05-03 17:54:40.505308+00:00 | 20000000 |
2024-05-03 17:53:25.842988+00:00 | -10000000 |
2024-05-03 17:53:01.713256+00:00 | 1000000 |
2024-01-02 21:15:45.564538+00:00 | -1 |
2024-01-02 21:01:26.577881+00:00 | -1 |
2024-01-02 21:00:49.935393+00:00 | 1 |
2024-01-02 21:00:11.673709+00:00 | -1 |
2024-01-02 20:58:53.499912+00:00 | -1 |
2024-01-02 20:58:19.225400+00:00 | -366519 |
2024-01-01 01:23:02.078385+00:00 | 20824044 |
2023-12-30 04:27:42.876542+00:00 | 976493 |
2023-12-30 04:18:54.773721+00:00 | -1084992 |
2023-12-26 02:37:50.034663+00:00 | 894390 |
2023-12-25 03:14:53.583821+00:00 | -10000 |
2023-12-25 03:05:22.689999+00:00 | 100000 |
2023-12-25 03:04:12.549982+00:00 | -50000 |
2023-12-25 03:01:42.551303+00:00 | -50000 |
2023-12-25 02:57:34.285169+00:00 | 50000 |
2023-12-25 02:56:18.210362+00:00 | 180746 |
2023-12-17 21:54:29.891358+00:00 | 8732 |
2023-12-17 21:53:22.212618+00:00 | -10000 |
2023-12-12 07:43:32.490463+00:00 | -5000 |
2023-12-12 07:42:02.025195+00:00 | -24380 |
2023-12-09 19:29:41.382595+00:00 | 10000 |
2023-12-06 22:58:20.584589+00:00 | 1823 |
2023-12-05 20:21:11.654535+00:00 | 541 |
2023-12-05 20:19:59.236596+00:00 | -666 |
2023-12-05 20:17:23.635484+00:00 | -47076 |
2023-11-15 14:04:06.123986+00:00 | 2160 |
2023-11-14 23:52:40.251748+00:00 | -55060 |
2023-11-05 17:51:32.342977+00:00 | 12846 |
2023-11-03 00:12:35.539074+00:00 | 6218 |
2023-11-01 18:14:46.584685+00:00 | -108 |
2023-11-01 00:15:20.478808+00:00 | -9540 |
2023-10-30 22:07:35.627147+00:00 | 2532 |
2023-10-30 22:06:51.465853+00:00 | 266 |
2023-10-28 23:58:35.423895+00:00 | -4816 |
2023-10-26 23:12:35.193910+00:00 | -24700 |
2023-10-24 00:23:39.430464+00:00 | 7244 |
2023-10-24 00:18:40.194270+00:00 | 3622 |
2023-10-17 22:56:24.781542+00:00 | -233292 |
2023-10-10 06:21:10.069782+00:00 | 103866 |
2023-09-26 19:30:57.686375+00:00 | 35406 |
2023-09-10 01:09:42.255431+00:00 | -44 |
2023-09-10 01:08:52.761542+00:00 | -9693 |
2023-07-31 19:56:40.452982+00:00 | -183282 |
2023-07-31 19:55:29.782646+00:00 | 91640 |
2023-07-26 19:41:29.720188+00:00 | 37600 |
2023-07-18 19:12:52.942422+00:00 | 8502 |
2023-07-15 18:24:23.783631+00:00 | -59496 |
2023-07-15 18:22:10.134544+00:00 | -320236 |
2023-07-15 18:21:34.944211+00:00 | 160118 |
2023-02-20 23:14:05.730426+00:00 | 46247 |
2022-12-31 16:46:51.482043+00:00 | -3200 |
2022-12-04 03:08:30.845281+00:00 | -3300 |
2022-12-04 03:06:10.009825+00:00 | -5700 |
2022-11-20 19:41:31.933616+00:00 | 85111 |
2022-10-17 02:38:25.127914+00:00 | 2920 |
2022-10-17 02:37:43.189826+00:00 | -2950 |
2022-10-17 02:36:51.555924+00:00 | -5900 |
2022-09-22 17:13:01.773362+00:00 | -59804 |
2022-09-22 17:12:27.777675+00:00 | -59803 |
2022-07-23 20:18:50.261598+00:00 | -55006 |
2022-07-18 16:57:13.816755+00:00 | -302137 |
2022-06-22 16:20:07.284882+00:00 | 67050 |
2021-10-25 05:36:15.036121+00:00 | -268868 |
2021-10-25 05:35:33.092738+00:00 | -20000 |
2021-10-25 05:33:40.577416+00:00 | -20000 |
2021-10-25 00:12:44.602637+00:00 | -189245 |
2021-10-24 15:14:51.354676+00:00 | 1000 |
2021-10-09 02:04:38.126660+00:00 | -279420 |
2021-10-09 01:42:33.377256+00:00 | 139710 |
2020-12-13 20:02:34.546041+00:00 | -3020 |
2020-12-13 19:43:35.842961+00:00 | -13421 |
2020-12-12 22:33:17.637473+00:00 | 7615 |
2020-12-12 17:52:35.144587+00:00 | -8461 |
2020-12-11 22:40:10.106188+00:00 | 7495 |
2020-12-11 17:13:17.754910+00:00 | 3826 |
2020-12-11 14:19:02.772486+00:00 | 2068 |
2020-12-10 22:56:29.065699+00:00 | 827 |
2020-12-10 20:02:53.941188+00:00 | -1068 |
2020-12-10 19:51:44.248516+00:00 | -4275 |
2020-12-08 16:38:32.888414+00:00 | -5978 |
2020-12-08 16:19:16.938875+00:00 | 1329 |
2020-12-08 14:06:54.279416+00:00 | -132918 |
2020-12-08 14:04:32.143156+00:00 | 66793 |
2020-12-08 13:49:43.688934+00:00 | 33564 |
2020-12-07 15:24:41.558886+00:00 | 17874 |
2020-12-07 15:18:30.632995+00:00 | -72220 |
2020-12-07 13:41:34.181015+00:00 | 38689 |
Slot machine stats
Total points gambled for | 12829008 |
Number of slot machine pulls | 22 |
Profit | 2130312 |
Winrate | 36.36% |
Biggest winstreak | 2 |
Biggest losestreak | 5 |
Biggest win | 5695313 |
Biggest loss | -2025000 |
Slots history
Time | Diff |
2023-12-05 20:20:25.072868+00:00 | 416 |
2023-12-05 20:19:19.953568+00:00 | -666 |
2023-09-07 18:11:36.477282+00:00 | -107534 |
2023-05-02 18:36:35.999259+00:00 | -255654 |
2021-12-20 15:07:58.186794+00:00 | -243829 |
2021-12-20 05:38:17.302489+00:00 | -975317 |
2021-12-09 07:30:47.944239+00:00 | 303910 |
2021-10-25 06:32:47.518789+00:00 | 5695313 |
2021-10-25 05:50:18.821570+00:00 | -2025000 |
2021-10-25 05:42:14.038982+00:00 | -1000000 |
2021-10-25 05:40:38.217048+00:00 | 1250000 |
2021-10-25 05:37:43.783604+00:00 | -436911 |
2021-10-25 05:37:12.876636+00:00 | 168043 |
2021-10-25 05:35:08.129360+00:00 | -20000 |
2021-10-25 05:32:51.301268+00:00 | -10000 |
2021-10-25 05:22:04.758953+00:00 | 30000 |
2021-10-25 03:40:25.497320+00:00 | -10000 |
2021-10-25 03:37:15.631899+00:00 | 30000 |
2021-10-25 00:37:07.009884+00:00 | -10000 |
2021-10-24 15:16:55.469013+00:00 | -252327 |
2021-10-24 15:12:16.745753+00:00 | 1978 |
2021-10-24 15:11:15.996674+00:00 | -2110 |